Sunday, January 30, 2011

look down


Love those samoas!

charlie the big green rabbit

what the heck???


I found this on GOOOOGLE, yes GOOOOOGLE!!!!!!!!


Wat up farrah followers!?!?! I know, I know, it's not like me to post random things about my life, but i am anyway! i like change! If i don't follow ur blog, don't take it affensivly. (did i spell that right??? eh, WHO CARES?!?) About 20 people have made blogs, and blogs are sorta taking over lives! soooo, i don't have time to look at and follow all of them....sry :-)/:-(
p.s. Im sick :-( (no / in that expression!)

hahaha! Bak Bak Bka!

Friday, January 21, 2011

11 cats wearing wigs

justin BOOber

whats up with this guy?!?!

my day

crazy day! SOOOO tired! heres what i did...

  1. P.E. (mile, UGH!)
  2. Dance, (more streching!)
  3. Library, (something less tiring!)
  4. computer, (im blocked from taking AR tests!)
  5. Drama, (ran around like crazy til 4:15!)

Funky bird

didn't see the funky bird with the mustache on my slideshow? well, here it is!

Coacoanut song

you got to gogonut, you are a coacoanut!
you are a crazy nut, you are a coacoanut!
you are part white, part brown.
you wear a big sad frown,
cause people drink out of you, you are a coacoanut!
I am a coacoanut, you are a coacoanut, we are both coacoanuts!
tropical coacoanut! tropical coacoanut!
is that a coacoanut, that i see?
plus a monkey swinging, tree to tree!
I hit the monkey with a pinapple, cause the coacoanut will come down as well!
tropical coacoanut! tropical coacoanut!
- farrah and brinly
HA-HA! C is for COOKIES!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hey! Check out one of my FAVORITE SITES:

You Rock List

My top five "you rock" list. (Don't feel bad if you weren't mentioned. I will make these lists alot. You get on based on my day w/ you)

  1. Alexis
  2. Brinly
  3. Kirsten
  4. Eunice
  5. Mrs. Kerr
I LOVE Sea World!!