Friday, February 18, 2011

Mona Lucy

haha! this is what u get when u mix up my halloween costume and my role!

Lucy is the boss (lol)

you might begin to think this video is just a game of simone sais and that im obsessed with lucy, (ok, i might be a tad bit obsessed) but it's much more. it gets funnier through the end, so make sure u watch the WHOLE THING THROUGH!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Role

i got the role of LUCY in the jets production of your a good man charlie brown!!!! WOO-HOO!!! LUCY LUCY LUCY LUCY LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I love my pillow pet!

I have a unicorn pillow pet named sparkles

i just got a mini rubber chicken!!!

my new blog

Hi! I just made a blog called:
i know it's a long title, but it was the only thing available. i never post. you just got to keep scrolling down in my widget bar to play with some of my 23 virtual pets! ENJOY!!!


Justin it again!

My country song rejoice

yipeeeeeee ayyyyy ayyyyy! yipeeeeeeee ayyyyyyyy aeeeeeeee!!!!!! Goin 2 kirstens house today!