Friday, April 22, 2011

Peanut Party

OMG! I know you think I'm obsessed with this whole "peanut" thing but this video is AWESOME! I'm POSITITIVE you will enjoy it as much as I did!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Watch These AWESOME songs

I would have posted the videos, but it keeps on telling me there was an audio problem. ????

contest time!!!!

Hi!!! Here are a bunch of lyrics in songs I like. Comment The artist ang song they came from. I'll post the winner....HAVE FUN!!!

  1. I'm on the right track babe, I was born this way
  2. If you only knew what the future holds, after a hurricane comes a rainbow
  3. I won't apologize for who I am
  4. We change ourselves, and we do it all the time, why do we do that? why do we do that?
  5. I'm sure you've got some things you'd like to change about yourself, but when it comes to me, i wouldn't want to be anybody else
  6. I just haven't met you yet
  7. Freak the Freak out
  8. If perfect is what you're searching for than just stay the same
  9. When you follow your heart, life is a work of art
  10. Live like there is no tomorrow
  11. I don't wear designer jeans, I don't need plastic surgery
  12. I'm not a super model, I still eat mc' donalds

I'm on the right track babe, I was born this way.....


Come Watch!

Hi! Come Watch me preform as Lucy in the JETS production of You're a Good Man Charlie Brown! (please check the comments)

Poll "other"

Did you select other in my new Saturday poll? I'd love to hear what you do on your Saturdays, please leave a comment if you selected other, thanks. :-)

New Blog

Hi! Brinly just created a new blog for all things katy perry!

Please follow....

I love Space Unicorn!!!!

Because I KNOW you have all heard that whole marshmallow laser awesomeness by Parry Grip, so I won't bother typing the lyrics, a pic should do:

Spring vacation

I'm having such a fun time on spring vaca' so far. We went to Palm Springs for 4 days. I could go on and on and on and on and on...............


Hi, I've been getting alot of complaints that I haven't been posting enough.....SORRY!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mona Lucy

haha! this is what u get when u mix up my halloween costume and my role!

Lucy is the boss (lol)

you might begin to think this video is just a game of simone sais and that im obsessed with lucy, (ok, i might be a tad bit obsessed) but it's much more. it gets funnier through the end, so make sure u watch the WHOLE THING THROUGH!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Role

i got the role of LUCY in the jets production of your a good man charlie brown!!!! WOO-HOO!!! LUCY LUCY LUCY LUCY LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I love my pillow pet!

I have a unicorn pillow pet named sparkles

i just got a mini rubber chicken!!!

my new blog

Hi! I just made a blog called:
i know it's a long title, but it was the only thing available. i never post. you just got to keep scrolling down in my widget bar to play with some of my 23 virtual pets! ENJOY!!!


Justin it again!

My country song rejoice

yipeeeeeee ayyyyy ayyyyy! yipeeeeeeee ayyyyyyyy aeeeeeeee!!!!!! Goin 2 kirstens house today!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

look down


Love those samoas!

charlie the big green rabbit

what the heck???


I found this on GOOOOGLE, yes GOOOOOGLE!!!!!!!!


Wat up farrah followers!?!?! I know, I know, it's not like me to post random things about my life, but i am anyway! i like change! If i don't follow ur blog, don't take it affensivly. (did i spell that right??? eh, WHO CARES?!?) About 20 people have made blogs, and blogs are sorta taking over lives! soooo, i don't have time to look at and follow all of them....sry :-)/:-(
p.s. Im sick :-( (no / in that expression!)

hahaha! Bak Bak Bka!

Friday, January 21, 2011

11 cats wearing wigs

justin BOOber

whats up with this guy?!?!

my day

crazy day! SOOOO tired! heres what i did...

  1. P.E. (mile, UGH!)
  2. Dance, (more streching!)
  3. Library, (something less tiring!)
  4. computer, (im blocked from taking AR tests!)
  5. Drama, (ran around like crazy til 4:15!)

Funky bird

didn't see the funky bird with the mustache on my slideshow? well, here it is!

Coacoanut song

you got to gogonut, you are a coacoanut!
you are a crazy nut, you are a coacoanut!
you are part white, part brown.
you wear a big sad frown,
cause people drink out of you, you are a coacoanut!
I am a coacoanut, you are a coacoanut, we are both coacoanuts!
tropical coacoanut! tropical coacoanut!
is that a coacoanut, that i see?
plus a monkey swinging, tree to tree!
I hit the monkey with a pinapple, cause the coacoanut will come down as well!
tropical coacoanut! tropical coacoanut!
- farrah and brinly
HA-HA! C is for COOKIES!!!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Hey! Check out one of my FAVORITE SITES:

You Rock List

My top five "you rock" list. (Don't feel bad if you weren't mentioned. I will make these lists alot. You get on based on my day w/ you)

  1. Alexis
  2. Brinly
  3. Kirsten
  4. Eunice
  5. Mrs. Kerr
I LOVE Sea World!!